Last updated: Jan 22 2025

OSRS Phantom Muspah Guide: Strategy & Gear Setup

OSRS Phantom Muspah Guide: Strategy & Gear Setup

The Phantom Muspah is the stronger version of the variant fought during the Secret of the North quest. It shares the same attacks and mechanics but can only be fought after completing the quest. 


Requirements for Phantom Muspah

questCompletion of Secret of the North to access the Ghorrock Dungeon


  • ranged90+ ranged
  • magic85+ magic for summoning thralls and casting greater corruption
  • defence75+ defence
  • prayer77+ prayer for rigour.
  • construction82+ construction for Ornate rejuvenation pool
  • Desert Amulet 4 for the fastest restore


Location of Phantom Muspah

Phantom Muspah is located at the Ghorrock Dungeon, which can be entered from a cave in the Salt Mine under Weiss. Here are the quickest methods of reaching Weiss:

  • Ring of shadows: players can use the ring of shadows to teleport to Ghorrock Dungeon. This method requires the completion of Desert Treasure II - the Fallen Empire and Frozen Tablet.
  • Icy basalt: players can use an icy basalt to teleport to Weiss, near the herb patches, then go through the gap in the fence. Icy basalt can be bought from the grand exchange.
  • Weiss teleport in POH: players can teleport to Weiss using the portal chamber or portal nexus in a POH.
  • Fairy ring DKS: teleport with this fairy ring, then use Larry’s boat northeast of Relleka and sail to Weiss from there.

phantom muspah location

When in Weiss, enter the Salt mine, go deeper into the cave to enter Ghorrock Dungeon, and then run south.


Gear and Inventory setup for the Phantom Muspah


Max ranged gear setup

max ranged Muspah setup 

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Necklace of anguish

Cape slot: Dizana’s quiver

Body slot: Masori body (f)

Leg slot: Masori chaps (f)

Weapon slot: Twisted bow

Ammo slot: dragon arrows

Glove slot: Zaryte vambraces

Boot slot: Blessed boot

Ring slot:  Lightbearer


Cheaper ranged gear Setup

cheaper ranged gear setup for Muspah

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Necklace of anguish

Cape slot: Dizana’s quiver

Body slot: Karil’s robetop

Leg slot: Karil’s robeskirt

Weapon slot: Toxic blowpipe

Ammo slot: Unholy blessing

Glove slot: Barrows gloves

Boot slot: blessed boot

Ring slot: Lightbearer


Inventory Setup for ranged Setup

ranged inventory setup for muspah

  • Prayer potions
  • Sapphire bolts (e)
  • Stamina potions
  • Mantra ray
  • Teleport to house
  • Divine ranging potion


Magic/ranged Max gear setup

magic ranged max setup for Muspah

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Occult necklace & necklace of anguish

Cape slot: Imbued God cape and Dizana’s quiver

Body slot: Ancestral robe top & Masori body (f)

Leg slot: Ancestral robe bottom & Masori chaps (f)

Weapon slot: Tumenken’s shadow & Twisted bow

Ammo slot: Dragon bolts

Glove slot: Tormented bracelets & Zaryte Vambraces

Boot slot: Eternal boots & Pegasian boots

Ring slot: Lightbearer


Inventory Setup for magic/ranged max gear setup

inventory setup for max magic ranged setup for Muspah

  • Prayer potions
  • Switching gear
  • Sapphire bolts (e)
  • Stamina potions
  • Mantra ray
  • Teleport to house
  • Divine ranging potion


Magic/ranged cheaper gear setup

magic ranged cheaper gear setup for muspah

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Amulet of fury

Cape slot: Imbued God cape & Ava’s assembler

Body slot: Ahrim’s robetop & Karil’s robetop

Leg slot: Ahrim’s robeskirt & Karil’s robeskirt

Weapon slot: Trident of the swamp & toxic blowpipe

Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4

Glove slot: Barrows gloves

Boot slot: Aranea boots

Ring slot: Lightbearer


Inventory Setup for magic/ranged cheaper setup

inventory setup for cheaper magic ranged setup for Muspah

  • Prayer potions
  • Switching gear
  • Sapphire bolts (e)
  • Stamina potions
  • Mantra ray
  • Teleport to house
  • Divine ranging potion


Phantom Muspah forms

Phantom Muspah has 3 forms; ranged, melee, and shielded. It will switch after taking 100 damage in the ranged form and 80 damage in the melee form. Every time it changes form, it will slam the ground, creating spikes around the arena; one on the player’s position and a few elsewhere. Standing on a spike will heal the boss for 75% of the damage dealt and knock the player back. 


Phantom will start with either ranged or melee form. 


Ranged form

ranged Muspah

In its ranged form, it will attack the player with both ranged and magic. Ranged attacks are more common and can deal up to 61 damage, so protect from missiles should be active by default. The Phantom Muspah will always charge up for his magic attack by standing up and charging a purple orb before launching it at the player. Players should use Protect from magic as soon as they see this animation, as failure to do so can result in up to 72 damage. The magic attack will also apply corruption on the player, draining 3, 6, and 9 prayer points every 6 seconds, for a total of 18 prayer points in 18 seconds. 


Strategy for this form: Attack it with ranged while praying against missiles, and watch out for the magic attacks it will use occasionally.


Melee form

melee form Muspah

In Phantom Muspah’s melee form, it will attack with melee, which can deal up to 34 damage. Players can avoid damage from this attack by praying against melee and moving one tick before the attack is performed. If done correctly, Muspah will chase and attack the player in the same tick for 0 damage.


Strategy for this form: Pray against melee, freeze the Muspah in this form and attack it with magic. It will break free after a while, so be ready to freeze it again


Shielded form

shielded Muspah form

When Phantom Muspah reaches less than 127 health, it will become shielded, immune to all regular sources of damage, and release a massive shockwave that engulfs the entire arena.  Players should stand behind a spike to avoid the attack, or it will deal up to 80 damage. Prayer-draining attacks such as Smite, Corruption spells, and enchanted sapphire bolts will drain the shield quicker.


The prayer shield has 75 health and Phantom Muspah will heal itself 50% of the damage inflicted on it. Use a crossbow with an enchanted sapphire bolt or enchanted sapphire dragon bolts as they have a 25% chance to activate their special attack effect against the prayer shield. It will revert to its ranged form when its prayer shield is removed and create a large number of spikes before attacking the player normally. 


In this phase, there is a smaller delay between the magic and ranged attacks, so ready to switch prayers more often. The spikes will also emerge more often, every four attacks, and cover more tiles. It can cover the whole arena if you don’t kill Muspah on time and you would have to teleport out.


Strategy for this form:  Use a crossbow and sapphire bolt (e) to attack the shielded Muspah. When it breaks free, attack it with ranged while praying against ranged. Often Move, as the spikes explained below will appear where you stand and other tiles. 


Muspah’s special attacks

If Muspah spawns in ranged form, it will trigger lightning clouds at 75% health, but if it spawns in melee form, it will trigger homing spikes at 75% health. It will always do a second special attack at 50% health. 


Lightning Clouds

The Phantom Muspah will teleport rapidly around the arena and spawn lightning clouds across the arena, capable of dealing up to 20 damage. Players can avoid them by standing on the tile shown below. You should not stand on this tile until the attack is performed. Muspah can be attacked during this phase and will always appear northeast when the attack is finished.

safespot for Muspah


Homing Spikes

The Phantom Muspah will slam the ground and 2-4 spikes will be launched at the player. Players can stand behind the hardened spikes to avoid the homing spikes.


GP per hour from Phantom Muspah

Each Phantom Muspah kill is worth 299K GP. With the recommended stats above, players with the twisted bow can kill the Phantom Muspah up to 20 times in one hour. This results in a profit of 5.6M GP per hour after the costs of supplies have been deducted. 


Drops from Phantom Muspah

unique drop from MuspahUnique drops

540–599 Ancient essence (1/667), 885–995 Ancient essence (1/348), 1,970–2,060 Ancient essence (1/10), 1 Frozen cache (1/25), 1 Ancient icon (1/50), and 1 Venator shard (1/100).


prayer potionSupplies

4–6 Sharks (1/9), 4–6 Summer pies (1/9), 1–2 Ancient brews (3) (1/9), 1–2 Ranging potions (3) (1/9), 2–3 Super restores (3) (1/9), and 2–3 Prayer potions (3) (1/9).


rune swordWeapons and Armour

3 Rune kiteshields (noted) (2 × 1/22), 1 Dragon plateskirt (2 × 1/44), 3 Dragon platelegs (noted) (2 × 1/44), 1 Black d’hide body (2 × 1/44), 1 Dragon platelegs (2 × 1/55), and 1 Rune sword (2 × 1/220).


runesRunes and Ammunition

146 Law runes (2 × 1/22), 466 Soul runes (2 × 1/22), 212 Death runes (2 × 1/22), 314 Smoke runes (2 × 1/22), 354 Chaos runes (2 × 1/22), 1,964 Fire runes (2 × 1/22), and 670 Cannonballs (2 × 1/44).



6 Grimy toadflax (2 × 1/33), 6 Grimy kwuarm (2 × 1/40), 6 Grimy cadantine (2 × 1/50), 6 Grimy dwarf weed (2 × 1/100), and 6 Grimy lantadyme (2 × 1/327).



2 Yew seeds (2 × 1/44), 2 Torstol seeds (2 × 1/44), 2 Palm tree seeds (2 × 1/44), 2 Ranarr seeds (2 × 1/44), 2 Snapdragon seeds (2 × 1/44), 2 Spirit seeds (2 × 1/100), 2 Torstol seeds (2 × 1/133), 2 Snapdragon seeds (2 × 1/133), 2 Watermelon seeds (2 × 1/133), 2 Willow seeds (2 × 1/161), 2 Mahogany seeds (2 × 1/161), 2 Maple seeds (2 × 1/161), 2 Teak seeds (2 × 1/161), 2 Yew seeds (2 × 1/161), 2 Papaya tree seeds (2 × 1/322), 2 Magic seeds (2 × 1/322), 2 Spirit seeds (2 × 1/322), 2 Dragonfruit tree seeds (2 × 1/644), 2 Celastrus seeds (2 × 1/1,750), and 2 Redwood tree seeds (2 × 1/2,750).



22 Adamantite ore (2 × 1/22), 22 Gold ore (2 × 1/22), 12 Teak planks (2 × 1/22), 6 Molten glass (2 × 1/22), 6 Pure essence (2 × 1/22), 11 Coal (2 × 1/44), 1 Runite ore (2 × 1/733), and 1 Silver ore (2 × 1/1,110).



2 Manta rays (2 × 1/22), 2 Water orbs (2 × 1/22), 89 Dragon bolts (unf) (2 × 1/22), and 6 Limpwurt roots (2 × 1/733).


dragon med helmRare Drop Table

Nothing (2 × 1/242.5), 3,000 Coins (2 × 1/62.8), Loop half of key (2 × 1/279), Tooth half of key (2 × 1/279), Uncut sapphire (2 × 1/279), Runite bar (2 × 1/279), 67 Nature runes (2 × 1/279), Rune 2h sword (2 × 1/877), Rune battleaxe (2 × 1/877), Uncut emerald (2 × 1/1,462), Death runes (45) (2 × 1/1,462), Steel arrows (150) (2 × 1/1,462), Rune arrows (42) (2 × 1/1,462), Adamant javelins (20) (2 × 1/1,462), Rune sq shield (1) (2 × 1/1,462), Dragonstone (1) (2 × 1/1,462), Silver ore (100 noted) (2 × 1/1,462), Uncut ruby (2 × 1/1,462), Rune kiteshield (1) (2 × 1/2,731), Dragon med helm (1) (2 × 1/2,731), Shield left half (1) (2 × 1/5,409), Dragon spear (1) (2 × 1/7,211), Uncut diamond (2 × 1/7,211), and Rune javelins (5) (2 × 1/7,211).


tertiary drops muspahTertiary
Charged ice (always), clue scroll (hard) (1/40), Brimstone key (1/50), clue scroll (elite) (1/50) and Muphin (1/2,500)


About Author


Petecleff13 is a passionate writer who has authored hundreds of articles in many areas throughout the years. He has also played OSRS with several account builds for over 5 years. He uses his passion for playing OSRS and writing to provide informative guides for both novice and experienced OSRS players. He is originally from South Africa and joined LuckyCharmGold as an Author in 2020.

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