Buy OSRS Piety Med Level Accounts

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Maxed Piety Med Level

Combat Level Combat Level 101
Attack 60 Hitpoints 95 Mining 61
Strength 99 Agility 51 Smithing 43
Defence 70 Herblore 31 Fishing 49
Ranged 99 Thieving 55 Cooking 65
Prayer 70 Crafting 62 Firemaking 50
Magic 94 Fletching 33 Woodcutting 56
Runecrafting 28 Slayer 22 Farming 20
Construction 7 Hunter 4 Total Level 1224

Piety / Med Level 75 Attack

Combat Level Combat Level 101
Attack 75 Hitpoints 87 Mining 60
Strength 90 Agility 57 Smithing 40
Defence 70 Herblore 29 Fishing 48
Ranged 90 Thieving 55 Cooking 65
Prayer 70 Crafting 61 Firemaking 50
Magic 94 Fletching 30 Woodcutting 56
Runecrafting 28 Slayer 20 Farming 9
Construction 83 Hunter 9 Total Level 1276
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What are Piety Med Level accounts?

Piety or med-level accounts are custom OSRS accounts that can use the prayer Piety. The Piety prayer boost is unlocked after completing King’s Ransom Quest and the Knight Waves Training in Arthur’s castle in Camelot. Piety gives an increase of 25% to a player’s Defense level, a 23% increase to a player’s Strength level, and a 20% increase to a player’s Attack level.

Why you should own an OSRS Piety Med Level account

The Piety prayer is the strongest melee prayer of the game, and hence it is a very good account for both PVM’ing and PK’ing. Since the Defence level of all the accounts is quite high around 70, other players and monsters will not hit quite often to you. Furthermore, with 70 defence you unlock the ability to wear Bandos, one of the strongest pieces of armour in the game.

What type of OSRS piety accounts do you have for sale?

The most popular Piety Med Level build is an OSRS 50 attack piety pure. This type of Piety account is very powerful for its combat bracket since you can stack out people from full Hitpoints. We have different types of Piety builds available, all with different Attack, Strength, and Ranged levels, allowing you to choose from a great variety of combat-level builds.